01 August 2014

Summary of the Shooting Basics

         My 16 year old daughter looked at my blog and told me something was wrong with it. I asked her "What was wrong with it?" She told me "You forgot the basics!" I replied " I covered the shooting fundamentals." She said,  "Yes, but what about the basic safety rules?"  After looking at the blog really good, I noticed she was right.     I have posted  shooting fundamentals articles,  suggestions on choosing a firearm, suggestions on how many firearms you should own, but I have never gave you the basics in simple clean cut manner.

 So, here it goes


1)  ALWAYS treat/handle the gun as if it is LOADED!!!

2)  DON'T point the gun at ANYTHING you are not     planning to shoot!!!

3)  DON'T put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot!!!

4)  KNOW your target AND what is behind it!!!

If you follow these BASIC safety rules you will really enjoy shooting.


1) Choose a comfortable stance

2)  Good Grip

3)  Sight Alignment

4)  Sight  Picture

5)  Breathing

6)  Trigger Control

7)  Follow Through

For more detailed information on each fundamental,  read the appropriate post for what you want to know.

Some might say there are more than 7 fundamentals, but
for the most part, these are the 7 primary one's.  Following these would put you on the right path.

The fundamentals, know matter how many there are,  won't do you any good, if you don't practice them!!!!

Accurate Usus Facit!!!

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