25 July 2014

Finish What You Start!!!

Follow through is as important in shooting as in any other sport. A lot of new shooter have tendency to overlook follow through.

What is follow through?

Follow through is the act of completing the motion, AFTER the action has taken place.
Example: A golfer continues the motion of his swing , even after he has hit the ball.

The same needs to be done when shooting. Smooth and equal pressure still needs to be applied to the trigger AFTER the shot has been fired.  Sight alignment also needs to be maintained,  for follow up shots.  So, once the shot is taken, continue to pull the trigger to the rear. Then allow your trigger finger to come forward with the trigger, to start the cycle again.

Follow through allows you to identify your shot placement,  this way you can make adjustments if needed. If you don't follow through you will not be able to trace your shots. Focusing on sight alignment should be your top priority in follow through.

Like ALL of the other shooting fundamentals, follow through has to be practiced. 

So, finish what you start!!!

Accurate Usus Facit!!!!

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