26 March 2014

Why You Should Educate Kids With Firearms!!!

             My 12 year old daughter was at our neighbors house (2 years ago). The neighbor's daughter asked my daughter "Do you want to see my dads gun?"  My daughter said NO!!!. Well, the kid went to grab her fathers gun anyways.  The girl walked into her bedroom pointing the firearm at my daughter, finger on the trigger.  My daughter quickly asked her to "Let me hold it!" The girl handed it to my daughter. My daughter removed the magazine, racked the slide back to remove the round from the chamber.  After that was done. My daughter turned the firearm over the the girls mother.

             Well, the mother was surprised about what happened and she came over to inform me about the incident.  Mrs. neighbor said to me "Do you see how dangerous guns are!!!"  I had to correct her. I told holder "It wasn't the gun that was dangerous, it was your daughter not knowing how to handle the gun, that was dangerous."   Anyways, I told Mrs. neighbor that her husband was to blame for leaving the firearm laying around.  I confronted the father, gave him some choice words. He then asked me to educate him on firearms. I did so happily, now our families shoot often together.

           The reason I am posting this incident today, is this same thing happened to Mrs. neighbor's youngest (10)daughter yesterday. But, this time it was HER daughter disarming the other neighbor's kid.   I asked my daughter about the gun being pointed at her. I asked "Where you scared?"  she said, "NO, because the safety was still on!"  BOTH my daughter have been shooting since they were 6 years old. That knowledge saved my daughters life, the neighbor's daughter life, and possibly the mothers life too. Now that knowledge has been taught to Mrs. neighbor's youngest and it saved AT LEAST TWO LIVES YESTERDAY!!!!

          The world of firearms is exciting to people who have never been exposed to firearms.  That is where it can get dangerous.  Once people get educated with firearms, they can see how safe they really are.    It is our job as people of the gun to educate PEOPLE who asked to be educated!!!

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