17 March 2014

How Many Firearms Should You Own?

       One of the questions I get asked a lot is "How many guns do you own"?  The  perfect number is HOW EVER MANY YOU CHOOSE TO PURCHASE!!! As easy as that.  The rule of thumb I use for the amount of firearms I own is:

Minimum of one firearm for every member of my family!

    This is the theory behind my thinking.   The more armed family members, the BETTER we can protect each other.  Also, I  make sure that every family member is familiar  on how to use every firearm in my gun safe.

    Protecting my family is the #1 reason I own firearms. I train to protect them,  I teach them to protect me.  Our family is only as strong as our training.  Teaching them what to do in a protection situation, should not be taught  during the protection situation.

   Even if your family members do not care for shooting, they should still know how to use ALL of your firearms. Your family's strength is based on the number of firearms owned and the amount of people that can operate them.

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