26 March 2014

Why You Should Educate Kids With Firearms!!!

             My 12 year old daughter was at our neighbors house (2 years ago). The neighbor's daughter asked my daughter "Do you want to see my dads gun?"  My daughter said NO!!!. Well, the kid went to grab her fathers gun anyways.  The girl walked into her bedroom pointing the firearm at my daughter, finger on the trigger.  My daughter quickly asked her to "Let me hold it!" The girl handed it to my daughter. My daughter removed the magazine, racked the slide back to remove the round from the chamber.  After that was done. My daughter turned the firearm over the the girls mother.

             Well, the mother was surprised about what happened and she came over to inform me about the incident.  Mrs. neighbor said to me "Do you see how dangerous guns are!!!"  I had to correct her. I told holder "It wasn't the gun that was dangerous, it was your daughter not knowing how to handle the gun, that was dangerous."   Anyways, I told Mrs. neighbor that her husband was to blame for leaving the firearm laying around.  I confronted the father, gave him some choice words. He then asked me to educate him on firearms. I did so happily, now our families shoot often together.

           The reason I am posting this incident today, is this same thing happened to Mrs. neighbor's youngest (10)daughter yesterday. But, this time it was HER daughter disarming the other neighbor's kid.   I asked my daughter about the gun being pointed at her. I asked "Where you scared?"  she said, "NO, because the safety was still on!"  BOTH my daughter have been shooting since they were 6 years old. That knowledge saved my daughters life, the neighbor's daughter life, and possibly the mothers life too. Now that knowledge has been taught to Mrs. neighbor's youngest and it saved AT LEAST TWO LIVES YESTERDAY!!!!

          The world of firearms is exciting to people who have never been exposed to firearms.  That is where it can get dangerous.  Once people get educated with firearms, they can see how safe they really are.    It is our job as people of the gun to educate PEOPLE who asked to be educated!!!

24 March 2014

Check Out Some Of the Stuff Our Friends At Leo Armory Can Do!!!!

Here is a Ar-15 lower with custom engraved by www. Leoarmory.com

 This is my Desert Storm theme Ar15

                                       U.S. Navy logo, My ships name below it, DesertShield/Storm Veteran above the trigger. Patriot for Safe and Scud for fire on the selector switch.
                                 Sailor Skull,  Gunner's Mate on top, GM Crossed Cannon, U.S. Navy on bottom
The pictures don't do the engraving much justice. In person and the pictures on my phone it looks awesome.

I will try again once I get more computer savvy!!!  Either way go check out their stuff and what they can do for you!!!

Click on the banner in the Friends of the Club section.  Tell Jeff the Vanguard Shooting Club sent you.

17 March 2014

How Many Firearms Should You Own?

       One of the questions I get asked a lot is "How many guns do you own"?  The  perfect number is HOW EVER MANY YOU CHOOSE TO PURCHASE!!! As easy as that.  The rule of thumb I use for the amount of firearms I own is:

Minimum of one firearm for every member of my family!

    This is the theory behind my thinking.   The more armed family members, the BETTER we can protect each other.  Also, I  make sure that every family member is familiar  on how to use every firearm in my gun safe.

    Protecting my family is the #1 reason I own firearms. I train to protect them,  I teach them to protect me.  Our family is only as strong as our training.  Teaching them what to do in a protection situation, should not be taught  during the protection situation.

   Even if your family members do not care for shooting, they should still know how to use ALL of your firearms. Your family's strength is based on the number of firearms owned and the amount of people that can operate them.

05 March 2014

Questions To Ask Yourself BEFORE You Purchase A firearm.

          I get this question asked quite often.  "What kind of gun should I buy?"
My answer is always the same. "What type of shooting are you planning to do?"  Most of the time they don't know how to answer my question.  So, I have come up with a few questions to ask yourself before you purchase any type of firearm.

1.  What am I going to use the firearm for?
     Concealed Carry/Self-defense, target shooting, home security, competition shooting, skeet/trap etc...

2.  Is the firearm ONLY for me?  Do I want others to also shoot with it?
     If plan plan on having others shoot with your firearm, take caliber size, weight, length, and ease of operation into consideration.  Example;  A 235 lbs man  would have an easier time handling  the recoil on a .45 caliber pistol than a 130 lbs kid.  Also, what feels comfortable for you may not feel comfortable for others.

3.   How much money am I  willing to spend on a firearm?
     Firearms can cost as low as $100 and up to thousands of dollars,  so your answer to question #1 will narrow the scale down a lot.

4.  Is the firearm legal to own in California?
     Now that you know what weapon you want to buy, and how much it cost.  Doesn't mean you can buy it in CA. You have to check the safe handgun roster for pistols legal to buy in CA.  Most bolt action rifles and shotguns with an 18.5" or longer barrel are legal in CA.  Semi-automatic rifles. That is for another post. (I don't have the time to get into that one right now).

These 4 questions will put you in the right direction on purchasing a firearm. Don't be afraid to ask people who shoot questions. Most GUNNERS are willing to help. They might even help you answer questions 2-4.


01 March 2014

What Is The Best Handgun Shooting Stance For You? Part 2


     Brian Enos and Rob Leatham used this technique in International Practical Shooting Confederation competitions in the 1980's. It became popular after they started to win.


Hand & Arms:
     The dominant hand holds the pistol and the support hand wraps around the dominant. Both arms are held straight out, locking your elbows. If viewed from above your arms and torso would look like an Isosceles Triangle, hence the name of the stance.

Leg Work:

     Both feet facing forward and shoulder width apart.

Upper Body:

      Leaning slightly forward.


Hand & Arms:
      The dominant hand holds the pistol and the support hand wraps around the dominant. Both arms are held straight out, locking your elbows.

Leg Work:

     Feet shoulder width apart, support-side foot slightly forward, with both knees bent.

Upper Body:

      Leaning forward with shoulders over hips.


       The bottom line is to use whatever stance that is the most comfortable for you.  If you are not comfortable in your stance shooting would be less enjoyable.  Any discomfort WILL effect your ACCURACY!!!