03 December 2015

Tips For Beginning Shooters #3

Tip #3

Practice your fundamentals:

Sight Picture
Sight Alignment
Trigger Control
Follow Through

These are the fundamentals ALL great shooters master.  The fundamentals all interact with one another. If one of them is off, it will affect your shot. An experience shooter can compensate for one or more of the fundamentals and still hit their target, but it takes a lot of practice to reach that level.

Practice your fundamentals using Dry Fire Drills. You don't need to shoot a gun to practice shooting. There are many dry fire drills online, my favorite one,  place a dime at the end of your barrel (rifle or pistol) line up your sights, and Squeeze the trigger back. If you do it right the dime should stay on the barrel. If it falls off, you need to practice "Trigger Control".

For more detailed information on EACH of the fundamentals,check our archives.

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