29 August 2018

I back!!!

New regular post coming soon. Had some life issues to handle. All is good. I will be getting back to it, after Labor Day.

24 June 2016

June Update!!!

As I have mentioned before, we are working on a lot of different stuff to expand the club. Thing are moving slowly, but are moving well.  We have another author coming to do more features,  so we should get on a regular schedule really soon.  Bare with us, a bit longer.   I should have more information by the end of July.

Thanks for you patients and support

24 April 2016

April 23rd update!!!!

There is a lot of things going on right now. ALL positive stuff. I can't disclose anything until all the legal stuff is done. BUT, I can say it will help the shooting club grow.

I will keep you posted.

07 March 2016

I Am Back/ Update!!!!

Sorry for my break. I had surgery to recover from and more personal things to take care of.

Let me update you on some things.

Are last shooting day was in Oct. 2015. We had a GREAT turn out of people. I am working on the 2016 shooting days.

Vanguard Tactical Customs is starting to gather a little steam. I have customized 2 rifles and a shotgun. They came out nice. I am currently building a Navy Vet's Ar 15 completely. I will post pics once I am done.  Also, the AmmoTunes speaker boxes are selling good. Those things are keeping me busy.

The Shooting Club T Shirt are all delivered.  The VSC banner is being made (it will be ready buy the next shooting day).

I am in the process if getting my NRA instruction certificates.

That is it for now. More to come. I will post the shooting days as some as I get them.

23 December 2015

Happy Holidays!!!!

I know that we haven't been maintaining the blog the way we promised. Life gets in the way of doing things you want to do. Now, with a lot of the life stuff out of the way, we can focus more on the blog.

You will see a more active blog in the New Year. We are excited to post more on the blog. So, from the Vanguard Shooting Club and Vanguard Tactical Customs.


03 December 2015

Tips For Beginning Shooters #3

Tip #3

Practice your fundamentals:

Sight Picture
Sight Alignment
Trigger Control
Follow Through

These are the fundamentals ALL great shooters master.  The fundamentals all interact with one another. If one of them is off, it will affect your shot. An experience shooter can compensate for one or more of the fundamentals and still hit their target, but it takes a lot of practice to reach that level.

Practice your fundamentals using Dry Fire Drills. You don't need to shoot a gun to practice shooting. There are many dry fire drills online, my favorite one,  place a dime at the end of your barrel (rifle or pistol) line up your sights, and Squeeze the trigger back. If you do it right the dime should stay on the barrel. If it falls off, you need to practice "Trigger Control".

For more detailed information on EACH of the fundamentals,check our archives.

23 November 2015

Tips for Beginning Shooters #2

Tip #2

Learn everything about your firearm/s:

Location of parts
How to clean it
How maintain it
How to clear malfunctions
How to store it
How to operate it

The more you understand your firearm, the more confident you will become. Making you a SAFER and EDUCATED gun owner!