24 June 2016

June Update!!!

As I have mentioned before, we are working on a lot of different stuff to expand the club. Thing are moving slowly, but are moving well.  We have another author coming to do more features,  so we should get on a regular schedule really soon.  Bare with us, a bit longer.   I should have more information by the end of July.

Thanks for you patients and support

24 April 2016

April 23rd update!!!!

There is a lot of things going on right now. ALL positive stuff. I can't disclose anything until all the legal stuff is done. BUT, I can say it will help the shooting club grow.

I will keep you posted.

07 March 2016

I Am Back/ Update!!!!

Sorry for my break. I had surgery to recover from and more personal things to take care of.

Let me update you on some things.

Are last shooting day was in Oct. 2015. We had a GREAT turn out of people. I am working on the 2016 shooting days.

Vanguard Tactical Customs is starting to gather a little steam. I have customized 2 rifles and a shotgun. They came out nice. I am currently building a Navy Vet's Ar 15 completely. I will post pics once I am done.  Also, the AmmoTunes speaker boxes are selling good. Those things are keeping me busy.

The Shooting Club T Shirt are all delivered.  The VSC banner is being made (it will be ready buy the next shooting day).

I am in the process if getting my NRA instruction certificates.

That is it for now. More to come. I will post the shooting days as some as I get them.