04 June 2014

To Breath or Not to Breath. That is the Question!

        People of the gun; all have different opinions on breathing while you shoot.  Most were taught to hold their breath while shooting.  Some people say to take a deep breath and exhale right before they shoot.  The type of shooting you are doing, will effect your breathing.  Long-range shooting requires more breathing control, than plinking.

The best way to found out what works best for you, is to try BOTH techniques. Practice the techniques and see which one helps you put more rounds on target.

 I hope you have noticed the pattern of the Shooting Fundamentals.  They are all connected! Stance, grip, sight alignment, sight picture, breathing ALL effect your shooting.  They all rely on the shooter to be relaxed. If you as a shooter are not comfortable, you are not going to have good shot placement.

Shooting techniques can be taught, but each shooter has to control their body to make a good shot.
So, do your dry-fire drills, work on your breathing, and MOST of ALL RELAX!!!

Accurate Usus Facit!!!!