16 May 2014

What You See, Is Not Aways What You Hit

           The importances of sight alignment and sight picture. They are different things.

Let's cover sight alignment first.

Sight Alignment:  Is the alignment between the rear sight and the front sight.

Pretty self explanatory. Easy concept, but hard to master.

Sight Picture:  Is the relationship between your front sight (already aligned) to the target.

I know people think, it can't be that hard to align your sights, then line them up to your target. Well, I can tell you it is not as easy as you might think.  If it was that easy, everybody would be an expert marksman and you wouldn't have to put hundreds of shots down range.

A lot of things come into play. If your stance, or your grip is not good, it makes your sight alignment and sight picture harder to achieve. 

Practice aligning your sights, and your sight picture with dry fire drills. You will see a BIG change the next time you do a live fire shoot.  You can find dry fire drills everywhere on the internet.

Accurate Usus Facit!!!