28 April 2014

Up Coming Shooting Event

May 17th is our next shooting event @ BC. So, clean your weapons and buy your ammo.

Contact me with any questions.

Accurate Usus Facit!!!

Why I Shoot

        Why do I enjoy shooting?

To me shooting is one of the easiest things to learn, but one of the hardest things to master.  Shooting is easy. It does not take much to squeeze a trigger. Squeezing the trigger in which a bullet comes out  can be called shooting.  So, it doesn't require practice.

Now, hitting your target or putting the bullet where you want it to go, is a different animal.  Just like a baseball pitcher who is trying to throw the ball in the strike zone, pitching itself is easy, but learning how to control where the ball goes is the hard part.   Shooting is the same way.
That is the challenge. This is why I shoot. I enjoy the competition with myself. Every time I shoot, I try to better my last outing. You have to practice a lot to get good, then practice a lot more to get great, then a lot more to become an expert.

So, if you want to enjoy shooting find somebody that shoots, have them show you the fundamentals, and challenge yourself!!!

Accurate Usus Facit!!!

09 April 2014

Get A Grip!

       How you grip your pistol WILL effect your shooting accuracy.  Gripping your pistol is ONE of the fundamentals of shooting.  The pistol should sit tightly in your hand, but also comfortably.

Wrap your primary hand's palm around the pistol grip firmly, wrap your support hand over your primary hand. If done correctly your support hand's thumb should be on top of your primary hands thumb.  Now, that you have a firm grip on your pistol, check to see if you can move your trigger finger without moving the pistol.

Grip is the basis for accuracy. Practice your pistol grip and you will make learning the rest of the fundamentals easier.  I will go over more fundamentals in future post. Don't be embarrassed to practice techniques.

Every good shooter, became a good shooter by practicing!!!

Accurate Usus Facit!!!
Practice Makes Accurate!!!

02 April 2014

Home Defense Shotgun Set Up

If you are like most people, you probably have a shotgun set aside for home defense.  I recommend you load a few "less than lethal rounds" into your shotgun.

Less than Lethal rounds are shotgun shell that shoot rubber balls, rubber stars, and other shapes.
LTL rounds are chambered in most of the popular gauges. Load no more than 2 LTL rounds, followed by your hot loads.

The main reason for the LTL rounds is you will demonstrate to the intruder that you are NOT afraid to shot.  Most people will freeze if faced with an intruder. Good people don't want to harm other people, Bad people already have it set in there mind to harm people before they commit a crime.  So, if good person knows they can stop an intruder without taking a life, it will make them more eager  to defend themselves.

When defending yourself or your family

DON'T GIVE ANY WARNING SHOTS!!!! Criminals don't give warning shots!

Less Than Lethal allows you to do this.

Stay safe.

Accurate Usus Facit

April 12th Shooting Day

We are shooting on April 12th at the indoor range.

Contact me for details.