24 February 2014

What Is The Best Handgun Shooting Stance For You? Part 1

         There are two popular styles of handgun shooting stances. The Weaver Stance and the Isosceles Stance. You probably us one of these stances and don't know you are doing it.
         I will break them down for you, so you can choose the one that best works for you.


         This stance was developed by Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff Jack Weaver  in the late 1950's.  This is a two handed technique.

Hands & Arms:
         Your dominant hand holds the pistol and your support hand wraps around your dominant one.  Bend your dominant arm's elbow a little and your other elbow should be pointing straight down.

 Leg Work:
         Position your dominant foot toward the rear and you support foot towards the front. Your support foot should be facing forward and you dominant foot in a 45 degree angle and slightly outward. Most of your body weight should be on your support foot (front foot). Your front leg should have a little bend and your rear leg should be straight.

Upper Body:
          Your upper body should be leaning forward over your support foot.